Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sharpen Your Saw This Summer

Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, reminds us of the powerful habit for leaders, to sharpen the saw. I have created my own personal list of how I will sharpen my own saw this summer.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Playing it Safe is Riskier Than You Think

Tom Fishburn's cartoon caught my eye and the message in his blog resonates as I contemplate the position many educators take when considering innovations, such as using mobile devices, social media or problem-based learning.

Fishburn references a great article by Bill Taylor, which is targeting business executives as his audience, but I think his message speaks to many leaders in our schools.

In the article, "Playing it Safe is Riskier Than You Think,"Taylor points out how most leaders and organizations are really good at quantifying the risks of trying something bold or striking out in a new direction.   "In a very real sense, the first job of leadership is to identify and overcome the costs of complacency."

Monday, July 14, 2014

Kick Off for the Arts for All Educators

On August 20, 2014, Region 7 will host a Kick Off for the Arts!

Randy Barron, from the Kennedy Center will be a featured artist, presenting on Art Integration and dance, including “Scientific Art in Motion.”  Other presenters will provide sessions in music, visual arts and technology.  Read more.

Date: August 20, 2014
Location: Region 7 ESC
Registration Today or Before: August 6, 2014
Contact: Betty Steele, (903) 988-6821

This conference will provide professional development opportunities for teachers of the arts, as well as content teachers moving forward with Arts integration. The Kick Off for the Arts is free to all Region 7 area districts and schools!