Monday, July 21, 2014

Are Miracles Possible at 5 am in the Morning?

I am always looking for a good book to help shore up the routines in my personal day to day journey. 

And thanks to the blog post from Jessica Johnson, Elementary School Principal and District Assessment Coordinator in Wisconsin, I learned about, The Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod

 First I listened to, The 5 AM Miracle Podcast, (which you do not have to listen to at 5am.) Then I downloaded the book on, so I could also start making changes to my morning routine. Jeff offers a free copy of the book, but I have found listening to books while walking or driving down the road has worked really well for me. 

Like Jessica, I am a morning person, but I don't really have a good routine right now.  When I was a principal I also got up early, just to get to school before anyone else entered the building and get some focused work done. For years, I also got caught in the trap of staying until 5 pm every day. I rarely had the energy to exercise or take care of myself.

If you find yourself also needing some ideas for your daily routine, here's how Jessica responded to the book.  Let me know what you think if you also decided to read it.

One of the most powerful quotes, that made an impact on me was:
"Your level of success rarely exceeds your level of personal development, 
because success is something you attract by the person you become."
I have always worked on improving my professional self, but I often neglect personal self development. Since listening to The Miracle Morning, I have been waking up each day with new purpose, going through each of the morning self-development components which Hal named the SAVERS:

Silence (or meditation, contemplation)
Scribing (writing or journaling)
I have been going to bed earlier (a typical night used to be 11:30 for me) and getting up earlier so I can spend time on the SAVERS before anyone else in the house is up. Since implementing my miracle morning, I'm amazed by how much I've accomplished and how it has spilled over into everything else in the rest of each my productivity, my time with my family, healthy eating, etc. My new morning routine sets my mindset and context for the rest of my day.

Want to learn more? Find it here:
The Miracle Morning website

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