Thursday, February 5, 2015

How Connected is Your District for 21st Century Digital Learning? TEA Wants to Know

Public School Network Capabilities Survey
The Texas Education Code (TEC), §32.005, directs the commissioner of education to conduct a study to assess the network capabilities of each school district. As part of the activities related to the study, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will soon send a survey to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools across the state. Data from the Public School Network Capabilities Survey will be shared with state leadership to inform important decisions and determine future directions regarding technology in Texas K-12 public schools.
The Public School Network Capabilities Survey includes targeted questions related to the Internet connection speed of each individual campus and the network connection speed between the district and each of the school campuses in the district. A copy of the survey questions will be sent with the letter. Answers to the survey questions should be provided by the individual in the district who is most knowledgeable about the network capabilities of the district. Often this is the district technology coordinator. The agency has sought to identify the technology coordinator in each school district and open-enrollment charter, with the assistance of the regional education service centers.

Each school district and open-enrollment charter school contact will receive only one link to a survey that has been individualized with prepopulated information specific to each district and each campus in the district. It is very important to note that only one individual from each district respond to the survey. Any subsequent responses may invalidate the accuracy of the data. 
In the next few days, an email containing instructions and a link to the survey instrument will be sent to the district technology coordinator or designee. A copy of this communication, without the survey link, will be sent to the superintendent. If no technology director was identified for the district, the email and survey link will be sent directly to the superintendent. If the person who can answer the survey questions was not correctly identified by the TEA, please submit the name and email address of the appropriate person who can complete the survey to the agency via email at
The survey response is due back to the TEA on February 19, 2015. Aggregated survey results will be shared with members of the 84th Texas Legislature as they become available.
To assist your technology coordinator or designee, each education service center (ESC) has identified a technical assistance contact person who will be available to assist as needed in identifying the information needed for the district or charter school to answer the survey questions. ESC contact information will be shared with the survey.
The Public School Network Capabilities Survey serves as a critical tool for TEA and all Texas districts to share key campus and district technology-related data with state and local decision makers. Questions about the survey should be directed to the Instructional Materials and Educational Technology Division at or (512) 463-9601.   View the letter on TEA website.

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